Effective Education
Our focus has been on how to make education more effective. We advocate a very different schooling system. One in which there are no school-bags. In which the duration of the school is for the whole day. In which the students get real hands-on learning. In which equal importance is given to activities and sports as much as academics.
Give us a chance to explain what our ideas are, and how we have made this happen. Yes, “made” it happen. We have schools which are live examples of this running system. Give them a visit, and you will know the magic that are our concept schools.

Our System
We truly believe in systematic education. We have been at the helm of innovation in education, and we couldn’t have done any of the research without establishing a system.

Go Deeper
We just love to plan and work on details. This gives us the best results and the most efficient systems to execute any activity – from academics, to sports to even carnivals!

How it Helps
The beauty of all the things that we introduce in our schools, is that they all come together to form a seamless fabric. This fabric is woven around by a very intricately designed time-table.